Posts Tagged ‘ XXI.I ’

“Life Lesson,” by Andrew Urquhart

Apr 20th, 2024 | By

Mr Darwin, prickly and aged bachelor biology teacher
At a public school I will not name,
Stood lab-coated before a class of rowdy troglodytes each Friday,
Who mocked his every feature, every foible—he
Being the only specimen they ever cared to examine,

“Reasons for Numbers,” by Laura Zaino

Apr 20th, 2024 | By

A. pages of books

B. clocks & meeting times (“midday” & “sundown” no longer suffice)

C. ounces of water, tea, wine

“Eleven Ways of Participating on Zoom,” by Gary Grossman

Apr 20th, 2024 | By

In bed, back propped up against
two pillows wearing your alma
mater sweatshirt.