Posts Tagged ‘ Visuals ’

“Happills,” by Nicolas Jones

Dec 20th, 2007 | By

———— Nicolas says: “My cartoon – Antarctica Asylum – is centered around a depressive penguin named Gwen.” You can find more of Nicolas’ work by going here:

“Behold the Wisdom of the Ancients,” by Gregg Popular and Andrew Kaye

Dec 20th, 2007 | By

Presenting: The Defenestrati, a crowd-created Defenestration comic.

“Snowbesity,” by Megan Roth

Nov 20th, 2007 | By

———— Megan says: “Since my debut in Defenestration, my work has been accepted by Johnny America and Word Riot. Now I’m thinking about changing my career from poet to cartoonist.” You can see more of Megan at her website

“A Touching Story Involving A Cat,” by Wakman111

Nov 20th, 2007 | By

Presenting: The Defenestrati, a crowd-created Defenestration comic.

“A 3-D Experience,” by Andrew Kaye

Nov 20th, 2007 | By

Presenting: The Defenestrati, a crowd-created Defenestration comic.