Posts Tagged ‘ Prose ’

“Coff-It-Up!: Your #1 Specialty Coffee Specialists,” by Nolan Yard

May 12th, 2021 | By

Here at Coff-It-Up! Coffee, Inc. we specialize in a prodigious number of specialty roasts. We are looking to be as ubiquitous as your struggles to stay awake throughout the day!

“Machination,” by Ivanka Fear

May 5th, 2021 | By

One day machines will take over the world. Or so I’ve been hearing ever since I was a child. This myth has been circulated for so long that there are those who have actually come to believe it. It’s ridiculous, really, how easily some people are hoodwinked.

“D&D,” by Jaimen Shires

Apr 28th, 2021 | By

I played in a D&D campaign, once, as a teen. It didn’t go well. Dungeons and Dragons? It was mainly drinks and drugs. I don’t think we made it to any dungeons and I’m certain there was never a dragon.

“Q. Can I Hunt Underwater Zombies with Your New Chainsaw, And If Not, Does the Warranty Cover Water Damage?” by Myna Chang

Apr 20th, 2021 | By

Jeremy chugged a can of Shake & Wake Soda. He’d been up for two days straight making a new video for his YouTube channel. A yawn morphed into a surprise belch that brought tears to his eyes. He shook his head and hit the upload button. This chainsaw stunt video was a masterpiece of editing, blending top-notch graphics with his favorite guitar riffs.

“Five Stars,” by Eric Kaplan

Apr 20th, 2021 | By

When I read Talons of the Night at first I thought I would like it because I am a fan of human/intelligent eagle erotic fan fiction and I thought this would be an example of that because of the title and because of the cover art which depicted a very curvaceous and lovely woman in a painting having an intimate encounter with a swan which although it is not an eagle which is what I find most exciting, is pretty close.