Posts Tagged ‘ Prose ’

“Some Buddy to Love: The True Unadulterated Behind-the-Scenes Story of Me & My Buddy,” by Robert Gomez

Jun 15th, 2022 | By

As we near the 25th anniversary of the last episode of Me & Buddy, it’s still impossible to forget its infectious theme (“My buddy, my buddy / Just hanging out with my buddy!”) that played ad nauseum during its opening, transitions, commercial break intros and outros, credits, and often a few times during show, too. Many also remember that the silly though heavy-hearted tone—stemming from the natural chemistry between host, Alan “Bud” Pastoria, and his real-life infant son, Alan “Buddy” Pastoria II—shifted dramatically between the first and second seasons.

“Down in the Mouth,” by Elinor Kotchen

Jun 8th, 2022 | By

The woman hovered over me with her sharp metal instruments, poised in concentration. Somehow I’d agreed to let a stranger probe inside my mouth while I lay on my back, passive and inert. And I probably had a spinach leaf in my teeth from lunch.

A friend had recommended this dentist, assuring me she was experienced and trustworthy. Dr. Jen looked barely old enough to drive but seemed to know what she was doing.

“Welcome to Indiana! Destination for the Default,” by Grantland J. Rollins

Jun 1st, 2022 | By

Have a favorite epithet? So do we! Feel free to use whatever language you’d like. You’re now among friends. Or honkies mostly, but you can at least say so! Here in Indiana, we understand connection is more important than pretense. And it won’t matter if that connection only happens with people who look and think as you do. That’s just how friendship works!

“To Try or Not to Try the Chipotle Aioli?” by Luke Strom

May 25th, 2022 | By

One whole summer of just Gatorade and mac and cheese. One whole summer to save the dough for a scouts’ seat ticket to the biggest ball game of the year. Well look at you now—right behind home plate with a perfect view.

“To the Proprietors of Fisteria,” by Jill Adams

May 18th, 2022 | By

Let me say straight away that I have no problem living next door to a gay club, even one such as yours that boasts a fisting room in the back. I am a single, straight woman who has had minimal experience in that area, but unless someone is attempting to ram home a tractor, I fail to comprehend the intense groaning and outright wailing that comes directly up our shared air shaft and into my tiny kitchen.