Posts Tagged ‘ Prose ’

“A box seeks injunction against use of ‘shopworn shibboleth,’” by Boaz Dvir

Aug 17th, 2022 | By

A West Jefferson, Ohio, cardboard box has filed a class action lawsuit against tens of millions of Americans, citing defamation, libel, slander, reputational damage, separation anxiety, social phobia, externalist angst, agoraphobia, panic disorder, PTSD, ADHD, and FOMO.

“Philip Roth’s Portnoy’s Compote,” by Rebecca Coffey

Aug 10th, 2022 | By


An easily bruised heart
Mother issues
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup water

“An Interview After Crushing My Son’s Friend in Mario Kart 8,” by Derek Bremer

Aug 3rd, 2022 | By

“Hi there! I’m Chip DeForsey for THE QUATRO, the Game Show Network’s fourth channel, and I’m here with Derek Bremer on his epic win tonight. Derek how long have you been playing Mario Kart?”

“Fits and Starts: New Music Concert Jolts and Dazzles,” by Eva Meckna

Jul 27th, 2022 | By

If you weren’t in Dinkmeyer Hall last night you missed a provocative musical experience. Contemporaneus Extraneus Musicus presented, as usual, a memorable mélange of pieces that have expanded the musical universe. The program was entitled “Beyond Nowness,” and it lived up to that extravagant promise as this reviewer found himself several times wishing for the future to arrive.

“Clear the Room with Your Podcast Knowledge,” by Michael Wolf

Jul 20th, 2022 | By

Has listening to the radio worn a hole in your mind? Are you tired of watching Captain Kangaroo and his lover, Mister Greenjeans? Now there is an alternative—The Podcast.