Posts Tagged ‘ Prose ’

“Take That, Mr. Cleemann!” by Matthea Marquart

Oct 20th, 2007 | By

Having mastered the works of one Dr. Seuss at a precocious age, it was clear that I would be naturally gifted in the art of freestyle rap, should I ever choose to make my debut in this art form.    However, even with the force of this overwhelming scientific evidence, my obstinate boyfriend Mr. Cleemann saw fit

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“The Last Short Girl I Loved,” by Chris Morgan

Oct 20th, 2007 | By

I met the last short girl I loved in pretty much the same way that I met the first short girl I loved. I was five days out of jail and I parked the car I was sleeping in right outside her house. Like the first short girl, she was a little over four feet.

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“Nietzsche Deconstructed,” by Michael Fowler

Oct 20th, 2007 | By

It is reported that the 14-year-old Nietzsche was known as “The Little Pastor” at the Schulpforta school, for his resemblance to a country parson in seriousness and other-worldliness. In fact he was sometimes called    “The Little Groover” for his wild harmonica playing and hipness, and the whole received biography of him is open to deconstruction. Indeed

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“Masochistic Purchase Practices” or “Why I like being treated like a 5-year old at Starbucks,” by Joseph Pierandozzi

May 20th, 2007 | By

I have somewhat of a high-pitched voice to begin with, so maybe you can imagine the horrible noises that I emit when I talk to small children and puppies. Maybe you can’t. I wouldn’t suggest trying to either way. The sound is horrible and I can’t for the life of me understand how it makes

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