Posts Tagged ‘ Prose ’

“Catman,” by Michael Fowler

Dec 20th, 2007 | By

I was surprised when the superhero Catman moved into the long unoccupied home in my suburb across the street from me. The neighbors I talked to felt the same way. What was the Furious Feline, only a few years ago presented with a key to the city by Mayor Willis, doing in a rundown Cape

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“Local Businesses that Missed the Point When Helping Needy Families,” by John Frank Weaver

Dec 20th, 2007 | By

Family 1: Single mom, age 35; 2 boys, ages 6 and 10. Mom would like a new sweatshirt. 6-year old likes stuffed animals and needs a new jacket. 10-year old likes Transformers and could use socks. Local Business Sponsor: Wanda’s Brassiere and Lingerie Gallery. Mom received three dozen Infinity Edge Push-Up bras, Wanda’s most popular

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“Untimely,” by Eric Thurschwell

Dec 20th, 2007 | By

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (AP) –’ July 15’ — Stan Fredericks, a resident of the affluent Chestnut Hill section of Philadelphia,’ was eaten alive yesterday when an 1100-pound hammer head shark was mistakenly delivered to his home swimming pool. Police investigators said that the accidental transposition of two numbers in a 16-digit UPS address code caused the

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“Savage,” by Pavelle Wesser

Nov 20th, 2007 | By

I.   The Interview Billy pushed through the revolving door of a tall, glass building. His shoes clicked across the marble lobby.   He rose 42 floors in the elevator and emerged into a deserted reception area. “Hello out there!”   He called, trying not to look at the floor-to-ceiling windows. “In here.”   He followed the voice to

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“Children: Addressing the Problem at its Core,” by Brie Stimson

Nov 20th, 2007 | By

The problem of children isn’t going away any time soon. It seems the more law enforcement tries to crack down, the harder it gets. Just one drive through a school zone will make the problem clear in all its repulsive reality. Last time I drove by Roosevelt Elementary I saw children on the monkey bars,

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