Posts Tagged ‘ Prose ’

“Taking Charge of your Child’s Education: What He Really Needs to know about Roswell, The Bermuda Triangle, and the Abominable Snowman,” by John Homans

Mar 20th, 2008 | By

It’s about time we face up to the facts. Test scores for children are at an all-time low. The days of relying on the school system to provide the education are children so desperately need are long gone. It’s time we take matters into our own hands and teach our children what they need to

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“Making The Switch,” by George Sparling

Mar 20th, 2008 | By

I left my wife and was now was a desperate stranger in another town. Without a job, knowing no one, having no contacts, and without hope of acquiring skills, I sat alone in a skuzzy bar, sipping watery beer. No microbrew shit for me, a guy who’d taken philosophy courses in the same college as

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“An Open Letter to My Former Master in the Human Pets Application on Facebook,” by Dawn Corrigan

Mar 20th, 2008 | By

Dear Ex-Master,   I wanted to drop a line to say thanks for the kibble. Also, to explain why my Human Pets account has been removed from Facebook as of last Tuesday. Sorry I disappeared on you, like a dog that just can’t help wiggling under the fence.   In retrospect it seems sort of

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“Analysis of the Boy in the Dining Hall,” by Mary Catherine Owen

Feb 20th, 2008 | By

He sits alone, eating his lunch with rapid, determined motions. Once one bite of food has been thoroughly chewed, his fingers fly up with another morsel, wasting no time in useless swallowing and digesting. Dainty sips are taken from the clear liquid in his glass, which holds a single straw; the ketchup bottle has been

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“Let’s Talk This Over,” by Luke Poling

Feb 20th, 2008 | By

I consider myself a man of my word. Someone you can count on. Someone who will be there for you. So, when I heard that some of you had taken my words and actions out of context and misunderstood my original intentions, well, I was crestfallen. It was never my intention to slander, defame, or

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