Posts Tagged ‘ Prose ’

“Brief History of Horn City”, by Bryson Newhart

Sep 20th, 2008 | By

Landscape By establishing a team of engineers within the city limits, each confined to a mattress surrounded by a high seawall, the mattresses connected by a network of bridges designed to encroach upon individual private properties, allowing the engineers, whenever they were awake, to patrol specific homes and bungalows to ensure compliance with mandatory nature

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“On William Butler Yeats”, by Sean Raune

Aug 20th, 2008 | By

1. Yeats walks into a room backwards and turns slowly. 2. Yeats likes the suspense of the thing. 3. Upon turning, Yeats will say, “Hi, fuckers!” and you will wave. You always wave. 4. Yeats, upon doing it with a woman for the first time, insists that she thereafter call him “Butters”. 5. At various

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“A-Loan”, by Alison Burke

Aug 20th, 2008 | By

Money should be used for useful things: pants-less man servants, spinning rims, and perhaps a gold and diamond encrusted pizza. Money therefore should not be applied to bone-crushing soul-crunching Caribbean medical school debt. When I first received my beginning payment for my loan, I immediately thought, “I’m going to have to start to hook every

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“Astrology for the Bitter”, by Jon Alan Carroll

Aug 20th, 2008 | By

Aries (March 21-April 19): The manuscript you toiled over for five grueling years is now being returned by a bored receptionist. Give up. Taurus (April 20-May 20): You’re having these dark thoughts and this tightness in your gut. To save money, you’ve cut down on little luxuries like cable TV and feelings of self-worth. Gemini

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“9-Square Championship”, by Danny Purvis

Aug 20th, 2008 | By

COLUMBIA, South Carolina: Thirty of the world’s top tic-tac-toe masters converged here to contest the first ever World Tic-Tac-Toe Championship. Two days later, on Sunday, July 14, Willy E. Atwood of nearby Cayce emerged from the strenuous 8-round competition as the best player in the world of perhaps the world’s best-known pencil-and-paper pastime and, incidentally,

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