Posts Tagged ‘ Prose ’

“5 Positive Things about Being Unemployed,” by Bridgett Gayle

Dec 20th, 2008 | By

The news is such a drag; all this negative talk about the credit crunch and increasing job loss. I, on the other hand, make pink lemonade from pink slips. Here are five positives to being unemployed that you might’ve overlooked. 1. Becoming Bill Murray Ever watch Groundhog Day and thought, “Hey, wouldn’t it be cool

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“Oh Susanna, I Can See I Can See,” by Pat Moran

Dec 20th, 2008 | By

It was then that I realized why they had called her “Sausage Toes” in High school. I hadn’t noticed them before, when they had been hidden away from the world in her undersized Chuck Taylors. She had this way of sitting with her legs awkwardly stacked on top of each other, her feet extended straight

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“Clark Reeper and the Angel of Temperance,” by Michael Panush

Nov 20th, 2008 | By

It was in the early evening in the bustling town of Virginia City, Nevada, when the Angel of Temperance, or to use her real name, Constance P. Trolpers, began her rounds. She was a passionate woman, full of vigor, vim and anger at the treacherous sins of alcohol.  Every night since the American Temperance Society

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“Man of Spam (Spam Man),” by Ron Singer

Nov 20th, 2008 | By

Recently (how?), Kevin Kile (Mr. Kevin Kile) underwent (experienced) a perfect spam storm. (What does that mean?) The principal (main) source of Kevin’s (Mr. Kile’s) problem was vocational (work-related): he was (is) a writer (author). Specifically (yes, be specific), he was (is, is) an emerging (like a groundhog?) fiction writer with 43 (forty-three) Internet (ezine?

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“Casanova Prepares for a Duel, May 5, 1766,” by Michael Garriga

Nov 20th, 2008 | By

Tell me why, O Lord, why I had to scurry and scramble escaping that Venetian prison to come all the way to Poland-Poland!-to be murdered by a lifelong knight, the Grand Butler to the Crown, Count Colonel Franciszek Ksawery Branicki, a name that sounds like a child’s careless scribbling?  A man who has wounded his

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