Posts Tagged ‘ Prose ’

“Scotch Buy cookies, anyone?” by Rachel Levy

Jul 20th, 2009 | By

While I was growing up, my parents were very particular about food, but also quite practical. My father did most of the grocery shopping at our neighborhood Safeway in Washington, D.C., and he often purchased the house brand. At the time, the supermarkets didn’t want to put their own name on most of their in-house

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“The Anti-Wrath,” by Thomas Sullivan

Jul 20th, 2009 | By

It happens on the Summer Solstice, unfolding quietly during the night, while most people sleep peacefully. No one sees a thing. To the wary night-owls manning convenience store registers nothing is amiss. Cabbies continue to ply their trade, unloading drunks from their cars without interruption. The world’s most advanced radars and missile defense systems sleep

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“Have You Seen Waldo?” By Rod Parker

Jul 20th, 2009 | By

My name is Rod. I’m an Assistant Manager at a fast food restaurant, and worked there for nearly five years. I’m a natural study of human nature. Thus, I find this place interesting. Or rather, more accurately, I find the occasional parade of characters sometimes curious, disturbing, and amusing. Curious: I have a regular who

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“Six Warning Signs of a Troubled Relationship,” by Greg Gerke

Jun 20th, 2009 | By

SIX WARNING SIGNS OF A TROUBLED RELATIONSHIP (REMEDIES INCLUDED) By Shiva Lila, M.A., ASCAP 1. The Locks Are Changed Nearly Every Time You Return Home This has happened to three friends of mine. Ironically they were all born in Pittsburgh and strangely enough they are all women. On the bright side you can know this

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“In Praise of Zombies,” by Jon Alan Carroll

Jun 20th, 2009 | By

Zombies never sigh. Or roll their eyes. Zombies are never hurt by a rejection from Ploughshares. Not even the third one. Unlike certain right-wing commentators, zombies do not deeply admire their own courage. Zombies never direct movies about beautiful young people learning important lessons about life and love. Zombies are not, as Neal Cassady would

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