Posts Tagged ‘ Prose ’

“South Face Commercial,” by Jimmy Kahler

Sep 20th, 2009 | By

Two guys are standing outside next to a bus stop, rubbing their hands together while they freeze in the cold with one another.) Guy 1: Man, it is freezing outside. I can barely feel my hands. Guy 2: Yeah dude, it’s cold as dick out here. (A voice appears out of nowhere. The guys hear

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“The Not-so-famous Five and the Mystery of Tinkle Cottage,” Louise Thomson

Sep 20th, 2009 | By

‘Wait please!’ puffed Bertie, ‘Please wait chaps!’ ‘Come on Berthilda, cycle just a little faster. If we don’t hurry we shall be caught in the rain.’ ‘Don’t call, puff….me…puff, Berthilda!’ ‘Poor old Bertie’, said Susan, ‘Can’t we rest a little? We could have the excellent picnic cook prepared us. Look Victor,’ she said pointing to

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“Hellbend for Leather,” Jude-Marie Green

Aug 20th, 2009 | By

My business card reads “Russell Light, Impresario to Hell.” I hand it out to acts with potential and we do business at Flames Bar & Grill. I like the décor here: deep booths upholstered in maroon leather, flocked red velvet wallpaper, chromed barstools. Pete the bartender keeps the lighting low and moody. My clients like the

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“(S)tresses,” by Christi Krug

Aug 20th, 2009 | By

A high tower rose in the craggy wilderness, a vision in the night, a shadowy glove pointing at the sky with a bony, accusing finger.   Like that, or a guy with really bad arthritis. Closer, one could see figures. Two figures. One figure with a figure, and one that was shaped more like a splinter.

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“Wednesday’s Promenade,” by Mary Baader Kaley

Aug 20th, 2009 | By

A wizzard, a bird, a pig. On a stroll yesterday with Henry and Fredrick, I told Fredrick, my parrot, to be sure to straighten his language a bit. His profanity was altogether embarrassing, though many marveled at his flair – – he could verbally outfox anyone with his erudite vocabulary peppered with competently placed cursing.

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