Posts Tagged ‘ Prose ’

“On Kindness for Germs,” by Gregg Sapp

Oct 8th, 2014 | By

I’ve always had a very laissez-faire attitude about germs. I feel like it is better to leave them alone than to make enemies of them. Nowadays, it sure seems like most people in our increasingly germaphobic society do not share my tolerance. It looks like biological warfare has been declared, and we are the aggressors.

“How to Wash a Motorcycle: a Husband’s Guide,” by Jennifer D. Munro

Oct 1st, 2014 | By

Wait for the one sunny day per year in Seattle. The lawn also needs mowing, but the bike is more time-sensitive, because you must dry it thoroughly before it gets wet again.

“Airbnb Listings with Zero Reviews,” by Kevin Douville

Sep 24th, 2014 | By

Left Side of my Bed, Mission District, San Francisco, CA.

Rental is for the left side of my queen-sized bed in the heart of romantic San Francisco. The bed is located in my 400 square foot studio over a restaurant within easy walking distance to the rich history and culture of the Bay Area. The bed is the only piece of furniture in the room, so it gets a lot of use; as sofa, recliner, dining area. But after lights out it’s all about the sleeping.

“Strategies for Avoiding My Top Crises of All Time,” by Jodie Leidecker

Sep 17th, 2014 | By

The Multi-pocalypse!

Stay away from Cormac McCarthy/Octavia Butler novels, sharknadoes, anything with a whiff of zombies including corporate bookstores and public or college libraries (remember: zombies CAN sneak up on you! Be vigilant!).

“I Graduated with an Art Degree from Farm School,” Brian Vandeputte

Sep 10th, 2014 | By

A 12.6% unemployment rate among recent fine art graduates is not the worst statistic to be confronted with upon graduation.

Within that 12.6% lies an even higher number of lower job prospects – a number that hasn’t even been calculated before, because it is so sad. In fact, a recent statistic confirms that our university’s fine art program has more unemployed graduates right now than there are pedophiles looking for work as babysitters.