Posts Tagged ‘ Prose ’

“Are You Going to an Improv Show or to the Dentist?” by Blayr Austin

Aug 16th, 2023 | By

1. Someone begs you to come. 

2. As soon as you arrive, you realize this was a big mistake.

“Darwin and the Basset,” by Jeff Burton

Aug 9th, 2023 | By

The story of Charles Darwin and the Beagle has been well documented. There have been books, documentaries, films and even a set of collector cards which, while never being a big seller, have ardent followers among Darwin’s legion of schoolboy fans. Now, after much research, the relationship between Darwin and another breed, the basset, can be told.

“New Hooks For Old Books: Saving Classics from Obscurity with a Little Rewording,” by Tom Ballard

Aug 2nd, 2023 | By

“The hook,” I tell my creative writing students, “is the secret of getting read.” Unfortunately, powerful first-line hooks were nonexistent before the mid-1950s. This is probably why few readers willingly pick up a book published before that decade. Let me illustrate with examples of how once-famous novels could have been saved by inserting a commanding hook.

“A Little Help from ChatGPT,” by Judy Gitterman

Jul 26th, 2023 | By

My kids hate my boyfriend.

They say he’s a dick. In my gut I agree with them. So when I say I’m going to break up with him they’re overjoyed. I tell them I can’t do it in person or on the phone. I’m too much of a coward and he’s too manipulative.

“Sorry, You’re Never Going to See Your Rosetta Stone,” by Lynn Sakai Burn

Jul 19th, 2023 | By

We won’t be granting you a visa to visit our museums so that you can view the artifacts we stole from your country, and we’re not returning them.