Posts Tagged ‘ Poetry ’

“Roadkill Poem,” by Chris Major

Dec 20th, 2007 | By

Roadkill Poem By Chris Major ———– Chris Major doesn’t want you to know anything about him because his bones are made of secrets and his muscles are made of enigmas and his skin is made out of interlocking puzzle pieces that sweat. He wants you to go here:

“Two Haiku,” by M. Kay Kraemer

Nov 20th, 2007 | By

Are you there Oprah? God highly recommends you, sincerely, Margaret. This doll talks and wets – She’s just like a real infant possessed by demons. ———— Raised by the West Wind. Married to the East Wind. Parent to El Nino. M. Kay Kraemer is all of these things. Also, she has very chapped lips.

“My Brother’s Visit,” by Robert Kolodny

Nov 20th, 2007 | By

My younger brother came to visit me in the city one day. He took the train in. He doesn’t really come to the big city on his own very often. He arrived just fine at grand central station. Then he got off and began to walk around. He ran into the mentally challenged man while

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“Blatant Truths. Succulent Infrequencies.” by Maurice Oliver

Oct 20th, 2007 | By

Okay class. Listen up. Here’s a list of inbred contractions that absolutely must be included: -A camera walking into the picture frame. -A series of thoughts that arrive on a conveyor belt. -Rusty nails absorbed in steely concentration. -Banjo lessons held inside a Trojan horse. -A pocket handkerchief with a wrinkled brow. -A vase wearing

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“Wincing at the Beautiful,” by Paul Hostovsky

Oct 20th, 2007 | By

So my friend Phil is telling me how he can’t get a date how he loves women and how they’re always giving him looks so I ask him what kind of looks so he winces at the beautiful braless young woman passing by at that particular propitious moment giving her a look of such longing

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