Posts Tagged ‘ Poetry ’

“The Young Emily Dickinson’s Letter Home from Summer Camp,” by Marianne Hess

May 20th, 2008 | By

Because I would not stop for Crafts The Counselor yelled at me I think that She is quite an Ass And Stupid probably. This whole damn thing   Is such a waste And I am forced to play When all I’d really rather do Is Get the Hell Away I drained the Pool, where Children dove

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2 Poems by CL Bledsoe

May 20th, 2008 | By

A Bar Lorca, Dickinson, and Neruda walk into a pub. It’s a pub we’ve all seen before, full of darkness and smoke and complaining. Neruda sits at the bar; Lorca chooses a booth. Dickinson stands by the bathroom, begging for change for the juke box. A fight breaks out, a dark fight. Neruda has been

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“Commerce,” by Mike Wiegand

Apr 20th, 2008 | By

The big money in Iraq is in the coffin industry Business is Business and Business is Booming Even with the recent production increases Sajad’s shop can barely keep up It’s a good problem to have, he sighs, wiping his neck, shaking his head and smiling It’s a big day at the shop An American news

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“Yahoo Homepage/Perez Hilton/War Coverage Cutup,” by Nicole Henares

Apr 20th, 2008 | By

U.S. foreign policy dumb as shit we’d say not mean or crazy because Congress didn’t ask tough questions or demand accountability the result is what’s with the bunny though they oppose it 95% of Americans haven’t been touched by the war or the celebrity rumors where everyone has something to hide click to reveal their

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2 Poems by Ryan Rader

Apr 20th, 2008 | By

Pencil Today I noticed that Pencils don’t bleed, and if they did We would have cardboard hospitals filled with number two’s and sharpeners Would surely be outlawed, especially Those torturous cranks screwed into classroom walls. I figured that erasers would be sold As hats, but the longer pink rubbery monsters would be for the most

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