Posts Tagged ‘ Poetry ’

Dad and I and Not Responsible for Typographical Errors by Gerald So

Oct 20th, 2008 | By

Dad and I try to talk every morning and end up listening to talk radio Not Responsible For Typographical Errors I took a line out in the paper after Steve left town and got a dozen calls about my rates, when I could deliver, how I’d handle disposal, before I saw the reason: DOOM AVAILABLE.

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“This space intentionally left blank.” by Paul Giles

Sep 20th, 2008 | By

quiet shock of                                                                                                                              history eaten by train light breaks                                                                                                                    the coke machine this city’s anesthetic                                                                                                    no change left poems rained all                                                                                                                       well that’s changed day sorry couldn’t                                                                                                                everything give me find my umbrella                                                                                                                    back my undies blinking acid eyes                                                                                                              found my liver home stopped me                                                                                                              in that smarties in its tracks                                                                                                                                    pack thank god regret pulled my                                                                                                                  o didn’t i

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“Genesis” and “About Your Bucket'”, by Arlene Ang

Sep 20th, 2008 | By

Genesis On the seventh day, God created ugly underwear. He went bankrupt; Adam and Eve offered each other their bad breath by eating an apple. They kissed for the first time. God did his arithmetic. For reasons of debt, He decided that the first man and first woman could take only two sons outside the

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“Hell” and “Tosser” by John Peck

Aug 20th, 2008 | By

Hell (from The Fall, Camus, tr. Justin O’Brien) I am an immaculate skeleton. I smell of dead leaves and furniture wax. I prostitute gulls with the help of alcohol. Tosser (from The Odyssey of Homer, tr. Richmond Lattimore) I hope my wife is not too drunk yet: she has the only key to the house.

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“The Test,” by Jesse Weiner

May 20th, 2008 | By

a woman is a test with all the questions hidden. If you don’t know all the answers you fail. ———— Jesse Weiner is a poet who does things. With words.