Posts Tagged ‘ Poetry ’

“Riddled,” by Marit Ericson

Aug 20th, 2011 | By

Jan and I went to a masque as each other.
We swapped interiorities, bandied psyches
about. Hell has indeed frozen over: I’m nice
for once, said Jan-as-me. I grinned, Janly.

“Huck Elvis,” by John S. Fields

Aug 20th, 2011 | By

Huck—Huck Elvis, I’s reck’n you jis tip the raf o’ve wit dat shak’n.
Hang it all, Jim.

Two Poems by Kyle Hemmings

Aug 20th, 2011 | By

I would never compare
you to a cookie
falling from the sky
a pure Oreo
or a virgin Lorna Doone,
unbitten, only flaky at the edges,
me, running to catch you
before you crumble.

Three Poems by Emily Severance

Apr 20th, 2011 | By

Sharp As A Tack

Self help insult books are on the rise
Since researchers discovered
the severely critical remain
sharp as a tack into old age;
alzheimers thwarted
with withering stares.

“An Honest Love Poem,” by Adam Gianforcaro

Apr 20th, 2011 | By

I hear these pop stars
are falling in love,
stumbling blind for
chic gowns
and ballroom brides,