Posts Tagged ‘ Poetry ’

“The Importance of Being Careful,” by Joseph Buehler

Dec 20th, 2011 | By

While Tolstoy wrote outdoors,
his goat
would eye him suspiciously,
making sure he wrote nothing
that was anti-goat,

“Heyoka,” by Peter Cole Friedman

Dec 20th, 2011 | By

Each joke
is a crack
of thunder,
a rupture
in the sky’s

“Indexers in Love,” by Mary Cresswell

Dec 20th, 2011 | By

hail, fellow well met, 1
handful, protagonist seen as quite a, 2
happiness as goal, 46
hazards, 56, 75, 113
headstrong, 2
heart: broken, 56; in mouth, 24–28; murmur, 123; of darkness, 307. See also lungs, liver, lights

“Xujaa, Guerrera, T’Qnna,” by Autumn Hayes

Aug 20th, 2011 | By

I want an X in my name
or a Q with no U, followed by Z
or maybe K

Not a snaggle-toothed-stepsister name, though,
simply smiling, six warts on its nose
a chipped, rusty ax behind its back

“Appendicitis,” by Mason Johnson

Aug 20th, 2011 | By

We walk down the street
hand in hand
on our mediocre date
when you explain that
not one, not two, but three!
of your friends have recently had appendicitis,
their organ bursting inside of them.