Posts Tagged ‘ Poetry ’

“Fascinations,” by Daniel Ari

Aug 20th, 2012 | By

The new iPhone fits into a pocket, and within it fits the sum total
of your personal information, plus an immeasurably large portion
of human knowledge including many of the observations gleaned
through the sense-expanding machines of our ingenuity. Plus you
can use the mic and camera to add to the burgeoning data terrain.

“A Pharmacist In Love,” by Jocko Benoit

Aug 20th, 2012 | By

The pharmacist is in love,
Sculpting pills into heart shapes,
Her tongue all homeopathic honey
As she names each of the sick in line,
All of their medicine mislabeled, the dosage
Written in poetry: “Take it all in
Slowly,” “Apply until your eyes
See what has always been there.”

“The Doritos Guy,” by Eric K. Auld

Apr 20th, 2012 | By

Somebody told me
the Doritos guy
died recently.

Although I wasn’t
at hearing this news,
a sadness overcame me,
one that leaves
a crumbling, artificial
powdered-cheese sensation
in my throat,
with bags of guilt to follow.

“Consummation,” by Lloyd Aquino

Apr 20th, 2012 | By

Ever stick a vibrator
in your mouth, bite
down, and pull
the trigger?

“Venting Haiku, Composed in a Grubby Hotel Room in Pokhara, Nepal (dedicated to Bryan Adams, with apologies to fans),” by Joel Hardin

Apr 20th, 2012 | By

maudlin strains sift
Into my thin-walled room
God of Nepal nights