Posts Tagged ‘ Poetry ’

“Insider Art,” by Bill Spencer

Dec 20th, 2014 | By

Twenty-two firefighters labored to deliver you,
yours a different kind of fire.

“Here, eat this fucking sandwich,” by John Roth

Dec 20th, 2014 | By

Here, eat this fucking sandwich

that I had originally intended to make
for myself but later realized

was no good for me

Two Poems by April Salzano

Aug 20th, 2014 | By

Thank you for submitting your work.
Though I am going to pass on this batch,
your poem “insert title here” came close.
I immediately think of coming.

“When The New York Times Embraces The Lunatic Fringe,” by Tony Peyser

Aug 20th, 2014 | By

Maybe this reporter is competent and only
Momentarily seemed like a dumb hack
In this style piece that breathlessly declared
That bangs are now making a comeback.

“R.I.P.” by Art Heifetz

Aug 20th, 2014 | By

he went peacefully
in the early hours
succumbing to
erectile dysfunction
his final request was
a last sponge bath
from the attractive nurse