Posts Tagged ‘ Nonfiction ’

“Authorwear,” by Catherine Underhill Fitzpatrick

Nov 19th, 2014 | By

The black, I think. The sleeveless Little Black Dress with the scoop neck and cut-in armholes. You’ll never be wrong in a simple LBD. This one has ruching, rows of shallow gathers across the front and back that camouflage a waistline gone to pot. Also, the hemline is a demure inch above the knee. Flirty, but age-appropriate.

“Easy Chicken Recipes That Nobody Will Believe!” by Samantha Rodman

Nov 5th, 2014 | By

Don’t know what to make for dinner? How about the old stand-by, chicken? But don’t worry, you can jazz it up in ten different mouth-watering ways. These recipes are quick, easy, and completely serious.

“My Vital Stats: Let Me Run the Numbers for You,” by Nancy Katt

Oct 29th, 2014 | By

• My sleep number is 10. Milligrams of Ambien
• I graduated from the 14th grade, is how my parents put it
• To date, I’ve had only 2 ‘Aha’ moments but well over 2,000 instances of ‘Duh’

“On Kindness for Germs,” by Gregg Sapp

Oct 8th, 2014 | By

I’ve always had a very laissez-faire attitude about germs. I feel like it is better to leave them alone than to make enemies of them. Nowadays, it sure seems like most people in our increasingly germaphobic society do not share my tolerance. It looks like biological warfare has been declared, and we are the aggressors.

“How to Wash a Motorcycle: a Husband’s Guide,” by Jennifer D. Munro

Oct 1st, 2014 | By

Wait for the one sunny day per year in Seattle. The lawn also needs mowing, but the bike is more time-sensitive, because you must dry it thoroughly before it gets wet again.