Posts Tagged ‘ Fiction ’

“Drogon’s Pointless Journey: Game of Thrones Fan Fiction by Me, a Person Who Didn’t Watch Game of Thrones,” by Elizabeth McMunn-Tetangco

Aug 20th, 2019 | By

Drogon flew and flew.

What was wrong with all these garbage people, he thought. Drogon could totally think things like this because he was a completely sentient being.

“Must-Haves for Amber Jambers’s Annual Jamberlation,” by Don Malkemes

Aug 20th, 2019 | By

One year and four cycles ago, our pan-am mega-island boldly ceded all authority, marketshare, and event planning to Amber Jambers, its First & Only Celebritator. Under her divine, righteous and benevolent leadership™, our new society finally remembered trash day, and left like 100 bags out for the garbage truck of history. Free from the detritus of a corrupted society, we, led by Amber Jambers, forged the most shiny path under the banners of Totality, Currency, and Libbers. So let’s party!

“Galactic Fair,” by Stephen Parrish

Apr 20th, 2019 | By

Dear Dr. Brinkman:

Thank you for your submission of
2357.3 to the Galactic Art Fair, which I have reviewed with great diligence. Before we can proceed I must share a few observations.

“Catching Knives,” by Bailey Holtz

Apr 20th, 2019 | By

Blaise Frick-Durant was a nineteenth century French author, whose defining personal and professional attribute was that he only had half a nose. The other half had been severed off by the rogue boning knife he had launched into the air during an ill-advised knife trick demonstration in the company of the young female he had invited to his chambers and whom he, as written in his diary, hoped to “keep warm in the folds of my culottes.”

“Pastiche,” by Trash Clapton

Apr 20th, 2019 | By

I was a doctor. One day I was visiting a friend’s lab to pick up some medicine when this guy wearing a deerstalker just abruptly walked up to me, magnifying glass tucked in his pocket. “Ah, so you’re the very fellow who’s looking for a roommate, eh? Obviously your name is Jack Duflack and you clearly fought in the Caribbean before turning into a professional sun tanner on the beach—am I wrong?” he said with a knowing wink.