Posts Tagged ‘ Fiction ’

“I Started Jogging to Stay in Shape, and Because a Fire Breathing Lizard Is Always Chasing Me,” by Bobbie Armstrong

Apr 20th, 2020 | By

My jogging routine used to be totally normal. After speed walking for a few blocks and then stopping to gasp for air, I would call it quits and Uber back to my apartment to spend the next two days binging marathon training videos.

“The Gift of the Bards,” by Tomo Lazovich

Apr 20th, 2020 | By

Derek’s heart pulsed with anticipation as his simple three bedroom ranch house came into view at the far end of the cul-de-sac. “She’s going to be so surprised,” he thought to himself, giggling heartily at the spontaneity of his plan. He had decided yesterday to cut his trip short, booking a flight that would allow him to arrive at home before his wife Katie returned from work. However, as he passed the final row of large hedges and his driveway revealed itself, Derek’s spirits dropped, like a needle onto a record, and his joy slowly deflated.

“The Rights of Chickens,” by Claire Russell

Apr 20th, 2020 | By

They had changed the bylaws earlier that year and now every yard on the block had chickens. Alison didn’t know what to do about it. The noise, the stench of it. This was not the country. This was the city! The houses were attached to each other for Chrissakes.

“Goddamned Space Wolves,” by Sam Wiles

Apr 20th, 2020 | By

It was uncharacteristically warm the day They came. I’ll always remember that day, because that was the day everything changed.

Of course when I say ‘they’ I mean the space wolves. I don’t know why I’m being so vague.

“Floods,” by Heather Robinson

Apr 20th, 2020 | By

Hi, it’s mom. Where are you? Because I’ve got a leak here. It’s pouring down from upstairs into the front hall. Thank God I found two pots under the sink. Why did you hide them there?  They’ve never been there before. Every week you sneak in here and hide my things. I found my toothbrush on top of the piano and my teabags in the bathroom cupboard. I suppose you find that funny.