Posts Tagged ‘ Fake Nonfiction ’

“A Modern Home Owner’s Guide,” by Lunabella Mrozik Gawler

Feb 9th, 2011 | By

An important part of any home owner’s life, once having slaved away to obtain a four walled domain, is of course to then leave in search of relaxation.

There is of course much for homeowner’s to be concerned about in their absence. Luckily with preparation one can avoid concerns such as infestations of the larger breed of flying Squa or the unfortunate effects of Cannibal Jam-Rot on unattended wooden floorboards, simply by appointing a house sitter.

Choosing the appropriate character to occupy your domain in your absence is an extremely tricky and exceptionally important part of the process.

“An Ambivalent Kiss-off Note in 78 Beatles’ Titles, 3 ‘Buts,’ and a ‘So,’” by David Wanczyk

Feb 2nd, 2011 | By

Martha My Dear,

Hello little girl. I don’t want to spoil the party, but I want to tell you something. You like me too much. You can’t do that because everybody’s trying to be my baby. Slow down. Dig it? Let it be.

“Your Upcoming Album Demystified,” by Tim Cushing

Jan 12th, 2011 | By

1. Hard rockin’ statement of intent
2. Slightly less rockin’ followup
3. Style/tempo shift to inform fans/critics that you aren’t a one-trick pony
4. Get back on your one-trick pony
5. Mid-tempo ballad/mini-epic (depending on available space)

“….Say the Darndest Things; Pitch.” by Scott Oglesby

Jan 5th, 2011 | By

Dear CBS:

You’re probably wondering why there are numerous dots instead of a noun at the beginning of the title. It’s because I couldn’t think of a catchy, yet comprehensive name for this. I was originally going to call it ‘Kids Say the Darndest Things, Still’ but the world has apparently changed. It seems a middle aged man with a tape recorder and a camera can’t just ‘borrow’ children off the street without all sorts of kerfuffle and pepper spray. In hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have tried to use that van for interviewing the tots. America, sadly, has lost its innocence.

“Etiquette for the Insane,” by Jay Morris

Dec 29th, 2010 | By

Dear Uncle Jay:

My friend Irwin’s favorite song is “Angie Baby,” sung by Helen Reddy. What he likes about it is the line, It’s so nice to be insane/no one asks you to explain…Irwin thinks that insane people have it made. He says that they are excused from the rules of conduct required from the rest of us, that they can be as rude as they want. Of course, Irwin’s idea of good manners is to raise his pinkies while chugging a 40 oz. of malt liquor at a PTA meeting, but is he finally right about something?

A diagnosis
of psychosis
is not good cause
to dis the hostess.