Posts Tagged ‘ Fake Nonfiction ’

“Thank You For Choosing Amtrak. My Wife Just Left Me.” by Eric K. Auld

Apr 2nd, 2014 | By

Hello, hello, hello, folks! Hope you’re all swell on this brisk winter evening. This is the Amtrak 449 Lake Shore Limited train from Boston, Massachusetts to Chicago, Illinois. My name is Phil, and my wife just left me.

“31 Self-Help Books for Niche Markets,” by Erik Cofer and Clay Watts

Mar 12th, 2014 | By

Find Your Inner Hate (And Other Great Ways to Become a More Empowered Bigot)

Getting Out of the Seedy World of Guerrilla Knitting

Help! I’m Up and I Can’t Fall Down: Teaching Yourself the Fine Art of Falling in Order to Guilt Your Over-Privileged Adult Children Into Paying More Attention to You Despite Having Their Own Busy Lives

“Can’t yelp* Myself,” by Nancy Katt

Mar 5th, 2014 | By

NotMyMother*****She’s an amazing girl! She’s gorgeous, smart, funny, stunning, brilliant. I don’t know why she can’t find a man.

Was this review…? *Helpful *Obligatory *Worthless

“Excerpts from The Bilderberg Group Cookbook,” by Christopher Winter

Feb 26th, 2014 | By

Every year at the winter solstice, members of the so-called “Bilderberg Group,” an enigmatic collective of elite figures from the worlds of finance, technology, and domination, gather at a unknown location to confer on matters of the highest consequence. The content of these discussions, rumored to amount to a shadow world government, can never be revealed.

“Minutes of the Consumables Procurement Committee on 18 December 2013,” by Emma Balmforth

Feb 19th, 2014 | By

The Chairman introduced the first agenda item, ‘The Increased Cost of Stationery.’ He drew attention to the fact that using more than one pen, mislaying pens, vandalising pens through chewing, and opening new boxes of pens before it was necessary was resulting in an increased cost to the business.

FJ explained that although he acknowledged that the use and misuse of pens was an issue, the Committee should also consider the use and misuse of staples and staplers, paper, particularly photocopying paper that everyone thought they had a right to, and pencils.