Posts Tagged ‘ Fake Nonfiction ’

“Pitches For New Tequila Commercials,” by Miles Kahn

Jul 9th, 2014 | By

Stephen Dorff enters a Mexican bar somewhere in Mexico. It’s sketchy, but it’s clear Stephen Dorff couldn’t care less. He saunters up to the bar, electric cigarette dangling from his lips, and gives the grizzled bartender a look that says, “You know what I want and what I want is a delicious, ultra premium top shelf tequila.” The bartender pours him a shot from a nondescript bottle of tequila. Stephen Dorff glares at him, beyond annoyed. The bartender totally gets it and is like, “Whoa, this guy knows his tequila,” and pours him a shot of ultra-slow filtrated Avión premium tequila.

“Mayor Dude’s Last Speech,” by Chris Eversman

Jun 18th, 2014 | By

Friends, supporters, colleagues, distinguished guests… all people I’d rather see than the degenerates and scumbags seated before me now.

“Is ‘Bupkis’ In Your Child’s Future?” by George Point

Jun 4th, 2014 | By

Do you sometimes wish you could give your child a magic pill that would permanently build their self-esteem? While that worthy goal may be a long way off, West Windsor resident Dr. Robert Winthrop Yoskovitz believes that he may have discovered the next best thing; even though he’s the first to admit that he’s invented “nothing.”

“Signing Up,” by Tim Covell

May 28th, 2014 | By

Please enter your email address.

Your email address will be your user name on this site, unless your email address includes the words CompuServe, hotstuff, or elephant. In that case, your user name will be your email address prefixed by “CaseSensiTive.” Note that this is not case sensitive.

“This Week’s Restaurant Survey,” by David Galef

May 21st, 2014 | By

1. How many text messages were you able to send before you were seated?

1) we were led to a table at once: the restaurant has clearly lost its buzz
2) I spent my time on Twitter and Facebook
3) five—till the rest of my party showed up, with Margaret late as usual
4) none, because I bribed the hostess with a gift certificate to Masa
5) my iPhone battery died