Posts Tagged ‘ Fake Nonfiction ’

“A letter from the lads of Ladies’ Choice Feminine Care to all feminists,” by Ella Gonzalez

Feb 15th, 2017 | By

Dear feminists complaining about blue liquid in feminine hygiene commercials,

We accede to your demands and have heard your cries! No longer will we use blue liquid in tampon and pad commercials. Following the rupture of our respective eardrums after being nagged to death by the sound of your shrill voices, the men of Ladies’ Choice Feminine Care propose a peace offering.

“Ad For a Freelance Band Namer,” by Kate Penney

Feb 8th, 2017 | By

Attention, Potential Bands:

So maybe you’re a group of old college buddies who’ve rallied around the idea that it’s your Duty to Transform The World through the power of Great Art (in this case, Art equals Music, and nothing else at all, right? Wrong! Read on).

“A Friendly E-mail to My Successor,” by Alex Colvin

Feb 1st, 2017 | By

No matter how bad an event is, always immediately declare it a total and unparalleled success. This is surprisingly easy to get away with, as a) none of the frosh students were there last year to know how much better all the events were managed and b) frosh week events are so inherently forgettable that upper-year students will struggle to contest your claims anyway. Enjoy your success!

“Are You Familiar with the Hemingway Editor?” by Yasmina Din Madden

Jan 25th, 2017 | By

ROUND ONE COMMENTS “Lunch of Champions” by User4901

5.8.16 2:49pm
I found a few places where there were lots of unnecessary words. I think a lot of words need to be cut, only leaving the words that move your story along. You have the makings of a good story, just revise so there are fewer words. Hope I’ve helped!

“Understanding the Solar Power vs. Wind Power vs. Magic Power Debate,” by Luke Roloff

Jan 18th, 2017 | By

Since the dawn of man, we’ve passionately debated which alternative energy source is best. On and on it goes, boring as hell. Always leading back to one place. Sitting Indian style in a semi-circle asking ourselves, once we’ve blown through all the oil, what’s the best way to make more oil?