Posts Tagged ‘ Fake Nonfiction ’

“Selected Scenes From my Unhistorical Road Trip,” by Michael Fowler

May 15th, 2024 | By

As a history buff, I spent my recent vacation on a week-long road trip to sniff out real American history, and failed miserably. I wasted hundreds of dollars and put countless furlongs on the car to arrive at the completely faked Abe Lincoln Birth Cabin in Hodgenville, Kentucky, for example. This monument to a great president contains not a twig from the original cabin, but the shed-like structure stands close to my home in the Midwest, so that’s where my ill-fated journey began.

“Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You: An Employee Handbook,” by Candace Webb

May 8th, 2024 | By

Welcome to the Book Villa! We are a family-owned bookstore (and purveyor of pornographic magazines; yes, those magazines are still available in print) located downtown. Things are rough in the city these days—you’ll pass dollar stores, a bingo hall, and empty storefronts on your way here—but take heart! The recession is temporary. We feel lucky to have jobs, and so should you. We’d say you were hired for your unique qualifications, but this is retail, so we’d be lying.

“Newly Uncovered Medical Note From Van Gogh’s Otologist,” by Parker Wilson

May 1st, 2024 | By

Writer received the patient in their room. The patient, Van Gogh, Vincent, male, age 35, initially observed sitting on the bed smoking tobacco.

Two oddly shaped chairs were observed by the writer in the patient’s room, which were angled such that one imagined one would slide off and onto the floor if one were to try and sit.

The patient wore a blue cap lined with black fur and appeared disheveled with bad hygiene.

“Our Domestic Signage, Explanations and Elaborations,” by Nathan Leslie

Apr 10th, 2024 | By

I’m not running a bed and breakfast here, but I recently purchased some signs both as gentle reminders for myself and also as seeds of information and uplift for potential guests. Not that we like having guests (who does?). But if we do have guests, these may be helpful.

“Disney Exec: It’s Time We Put Our Talented Former Child Actors to Work Really Leveraging Our Vast Intellectual Property,” by Jeff King

Apr 3rd, 2024 | By

Fellow members of the Walt Disney Studios creative team, thank you for the chance to make this pitch to you. Sorry I’m late. I stopped by the Percy Jackson set on the way in and sort of lost my mind. I got them all to autograph my tie, though, so it was worth it.