Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’

Dear Ms. Hayek…

Dec 9th, 2011 | By

Now that Winslow has won a sizable (if undefined) amount of money with a winning lottery ticket, it’s time to spend it! Money in the hands of Winslow is a potential danger. He’s just as likely to spend it on ham sandwiches, night vision goggles, and girlie mags as he is on stolen antiquities and doomsday devices. The option depicted here is a more responsible choice: hiring Salma Hayek to star in a movie is an investment, really. Just think of the money he could make with this thing!


Dec 2nd, 2011 | By

Sometimes I wish human facial expressions had the elasticity of cartoon characters. No one would be able to hide their real feelings. And if anyone won the lottery, everyone would no without smug announcements of sudden wealth.


Nov 25th, 2011 | By

Since it’s the day after Thanksgiving and I didn’t feel like putting up a Thanksgiving-themed comic up yesterday, here’s a turkey-themed comic. Because people cook turkeys on days other than Thanksgiving, right? And you probably have some cold turkey leftover from yesterday, right? So turkey’s still fresh in your mind? Maybe even in a sandwich?

The Winslow in the Hat

Nov 18th, 2011 | By

Obviously this comic is based on the Dr. Seuss book The Cat in the Hat Comes Back. My son is obsessed with it at the moment, and he insists I read it to him twice–sometimes thrice–in one day. I don’t mind, of course. I always liked The Cat in the Hat Comes Back more than its predecessor, The Cat in the Hat. Something about an alphabet’s worth of doppelganger cats in a matryoshka of hats is awesome.

Bikini Robot A-Go-Go!

Nov 11th, 2011 | By

This fake movie preview is the natural bridge between the cheesy science fiction movies of the 50s and the so-called “beach party” movies of the early 60s. It has robots! It has bikinis! It has robots wearing bikinis! And since no beach party movie is really a beach party movie without Annette Funicello… it has her, too. Albeit in cartoon form.