Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’

Belly Big As A Watermelon

Aug 31st, 2012 | By

Annie’s questionable sanity continues to deteriorate. Many of the characters in this comic have some sort of social and/or mental disorder, but it’s always fun to have someone that’s crazier than everyone else–someone who’s crazier than a bag of ninjas without being on hallucinogens. That honor is Annie’s alone.

Prepare for Trouble!

Aug 24th, 2012 | By

I have a confession to make: I’m 31 years old, and I love the Pokemon games.

I decided to do today’s strip when I realized how easy it was to make blend the names of my characters with those of several first-generation Pokemon. Once I figured out how each of them would look, I had Apsara (dressed as Jessie from Team Rocket) face off against Laura (dressed as Pokemon trainer Ash). It’s an incredibly goofy and geeky idea, but I like the way it came out, so whatever.

Defenestration: August 2012

Aug 20th, 2012 | By

Hello there, friends (and probably relatives), welcome to the August 2012 issue of Defenestration!

You’ll no doubt notice that this issue is short. Not short on content: we have five short stories and seven poems for you to enjoy this month. However, each of the short stories are flash fiction pieces. We didn’t really plan it out that way, but I don’t think you’ll mind. Characters included this month include a lovesick pharmacist, a digital daughter, a naked revolutionary, and a disillusioned science fiction writer. See for yourself! All the stories and poems can be found in the links below, or read together in the downloadable PDF copy.

I should add that this month’s issue contains strong language and sexual themes. That will probably just make you want to read it more, but I figured I should warn you all the same, so you’re not shocked and embarrassed. I can see you blushing already. Good. Get it out of your system now.

Japanese Tentacle Robot

Aug 17th, 2012 | By

Japanese Tentacle Robot is actually the 57th in a batch of 200 similar robots designed by the Fujiyama Autonomous Robotic Tentacle Company, which isn’t located in Japan at all, but in beautiful Vancouver, Canada. Unfortunately, due to an unforeseen computational error, all 200 of the “Tentacular Pleasure Centers” (which is what the robot was called before being marketed to the public as the “Happy Tentacle Friend”) were installed with prototype robotic brain matrices that never should have been put into production. 197 of the models were destroyed. The remaining three escaped into the real world.


Aug 10th, 2012 | By

BEHOLD! The thrilling conclusion to Winslow’s adventure is upon us!