Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’

Witches Be Crazy

Oct 5th, 2012 | By

This whole scenario is a problem waiting to happen. Winslow should not have gone to witches for help with his relationship hangups, and he sure as hell shouldn’t have given them Little Winslow as payment. I don’t know who’s in more trouble: Winslow, or the witches. Because everyone knows Little Winslow has the upper hand here. He’s a bundle of amazing in a tiny package!

Ghostmakers and Gozerians

Sep 28th, 2012 | By

Kate has lived in her home for many, many years, but only after a recent homeowners association meeting did she discover that her house, and in fact much of her neighborhood, was designed by insane physician/architect/end-times enthusiast Ivo Shandor. The arcane street layout has been collecting negative magical energy for decades, and it has finally reached enough power to make eggs cook themselves on counter tops!

Pasta Saucy

Sep 21st, 2012 | By

Sometimes I get so caught up with these monstrous mutli-panel comics that I forget Ben & Winslow started out as all single panel all the time. I’ve been working on several art project this week so it was a good excuse to draw something simple. Also, I’m sorry that “something simple” involves a juvenile penis joke. I can’t resist!

Man Bags

Sep 14th, 2012 | By

I’d like to take a moment and talk to the guys. How you doing guys? Today’s strip is all about bags. Or, more precisely, purses. Have you ever wondered what’s actually in a woman’s purse? Purses vary in size and contain all sorts of things, but there a few items that are common to every woman, no matter her age or where she lives.

Maternal Monologue

Sep 7th, 2012 | By

I actually wasn’t intending to do a follow-up to last week’s comic, but this idea popped into my head and I just can’t say no to a Super Mario Bros. reference. Not ever.

Plus, I got to thinking that if Annie was creating children out of food–perishable food–then those kids were going to start rotting at some point unless she had built some sort of refrigerated bassinet. Which she hasn’t.