Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’

Defenestration: August 2013

Aug 20th, 2013 | By

Ten years, you guys. This October, Defenestration will be ten years old!

Have any of you ever read slush? Have you ever read slush for ten years straight? After so long a time, Eileen’s lucky to still have her sanity, and I’m lucky to still have my sanity and my rakish good looks. But the slush is wearing us down, and we’re quickly becoming editors on the edge. We don’t sleep well. We don’t eat well. Our nerves have been rubbed raw. I have literally—literally—seen Eileen turn into a Tyrannosaurus over seemingly insignificant things. The other day she almost leveled an IHOP after finding an uneven distribution of blueberries in her blueberry pancakes. This sort of destruction cannot continue no matter how awesome and no matter how many views the resulting videos on YouTube attain.


Aug 16th, 2013 | By

I love the stock expressions used in anime. If a guy sees a beautiful girl, he is almost guaranteed to get a nosebleed. Not just a nosebleed, but the sort of nosebleed that would drain him of all blood and kill him within moments. Apparently nosebleeds are associated with sexual arousal in Japan, so it’s really a visual cue for an erection.

Pest Control

Aug 9th, 2013 | By

Winslow has been known to control pests with unorthodox methods, but this is the first time the pests themselves have been unorthodox.

Lord of the End Times

Aug 2nd, 2013 | By

Today’s comic is based on an ongoing joke my wife and I have between us. Back when we were dating a million years ago, we saw several documentaries on the Apocalypse (as if a program about the Apocalypse could really be classified as a documentary). Several of the prophets of doom prepared maps of what the world would look like afterward, and one of the amusing constants was that Montana was always miraculously spared. The seas rose, the mountains crumbled, but Montana was always safe in the middle of it all, fiddling while the world burned.

Bug Juice

Jul 26th, 2013 | By

Contrary to popular belief, and also cartoons, ants do not ruin picnics. Mosquitoes do. Ants try to eat your food, but mosquitoes try to eat YOU, which is a whole lot worse. Where I live, the summers are pretty humid, and mosquitoes rule the night, and also the evening, and also the better part of the afternoon. Its hard to enjoy the outdoors when your children are being drained of what little blood they have.