Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’

Polar Wildlife

Jan 3rd, 2014 | By

Have any of you ever lost heating to your home while it was really, really cold outside? Like your electricity goes out for a prolonged period of time, or your heater breaks? Isn’t that the absolute worst? It’s happened to me several times, and it makes me realize 1.) how awesome it would be to have a fireplace and 2.) how lucky I am to have heat most of the time. I can’t imagine being cold every day.


Dec 27th, 2013 | By

Okay. I’m back for real this time. Since the last Ben & Winslow comic I uploaded here involved a dinosaur, I figured that the first NEW Ben & Winslow strip I’d upload after the break would also need to involve a dinosaur. So here you go. A comic involving a dinosaur. And also Winslow and Dr. Spiderqueen. And tiny, tiny forearms.


Dec 20th, 2013 | By

Good morning, world! Ben & Winslow has returned from it’s short hiatus. I know you were all wringing your hands with frustration, but you can stop that nonsense now.

But Wait, We Have A Dinosaur!

Nov 15th, 2013 | By

Hello, everyone! Just wanted to remind you all that we’re still alive here at Defenestration. Just enjoying our time off!

Someone over at my deviantART gallery requested a picture of Winslow chasing Ben from atop a dinosaur. I figured I’d share it here, as well. Because DINOSAUR!

I’ve Got A Bad Feeling About This Costume

Oct 30th, 2013 | By

Well, Defenestration might not have any poetry or prose to publish until 2014, but that’s not going to stop me from filling every crevice in this respected Internet publication with lots of comic-y goodness. Technically Friday is my day, but I drew this the other night and wanted to share before Halloween. Because that’s how I roll!