Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’

Go-Go-Gadget Chopper! I Mean Copter!

Feb 7th, 2014 | By

So here we are: The first truly violent strip of the New Year. Revel in its goriness, you sick bastards!

“May you be consumed by a thousand devils you damned person!”

Jan 31st, 2014 | By

I think this comic takes the prize for longest Ben & Winslow title ever. I was going to give a cookie to whoever could identify where the title is quoted from, but Internet research kind of ruins that sort of challenge.


Jan 24th, 2014 | By

Hey there, kids. I don’t support the summoning of devils of any kind, so I don’t want you copying Winslow just so you can have your own demonic best friend. Devils are a huge responsibility, and I most of you aren’t ready for that sort of commitment. Are you going to walk your devil twice a day? Are you going to feed it souls whenever it gets hungry? Are you going to clean up after it when it goes to the bathroom on your floor, which is a worse chore than it sounds because devils pee acid and poop radioactive material? I didn’t think so. Stay away from devils, kids.

Urinal Analysis

Jan 17th, 2014 | By

Guys (and I am talking to just the men at the moment, but women are free to listen in): Are you the sort of man who talks to your neighbors in the urinals beside you? I don’t have conversations in public restrooms unless I’m really good friends with the person. I hate it when complete strangers start talking to me while I’m trying to pee.

Chili Cookoff

Jan 10th, 2014 | By

I don’t know if chili cookoffs are normal workplace events, but they’ve happened at my various jobs so I’m assuming these things happen on a regular basis in office buildings around the world.