Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’


Aug 22nd, 2014 | By

Just something quick for today, everyone, because you should be reading the latest issue of Defenestration!

Defenestration: August 2014

Aug 20th, 2014 | By

Summer is coming to an end. And that can only mean one (important) thing: The August 2014 issue of Defenestration is here!

The August issue is always the hardest to put together. The winds of literary magic don’t blow very strong in late August, so we’re forced to accumulate magic through other, more labor-intensive means. We have to plan for this in advance. Eileen, for example, takes a trip to Ireland every summer to collect leprechaun feces (also known as “leprechuano”). We have to sacrifice three times as many unicorns, and it’s always a pain getting enough of them. Not to mention all the manticore tears that need to be bottled, all the demons that need to be castrated, and all the wizard bile that needs to be picked up from our cannery in North Carolina and shipped back to Defenestration HQ. And this happens before we even choose the content for the issue!

Beautiful Women in Spaaaaace!

Aug 15th, 2014 | By

Winslow and Kurt’s research isn’t wrong. I was watching a bunch of old science fiction movies with the crew of the Satellite of Love recently, and space is definitely filled with beautiful women. But let’s be honest: in the Ben & Winslow universe there are some very important rules that should be followed at all times. First, never wear a green shirt. Second, never eat anything Winslow makes. And third, never do anything Reya the Misanthrope suggests.


Aug 8th, 2014 | By

Last week I drew Winslow at the beach, separated from his body. Now his body has wandered off without the rest of him, probably to get more ice cream. But really, the only reason this strip exists is because I wanted to draw Winslow’s head strapped to the top of Little Winslow’s head.

Head in the Sand

Aug 1st, 2014 | By

I don’t often draw my characters on the beach, but damn it, they’ve been working really hard and could use the vacation. So here we are. At the beach.