Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’


Jan 30th, 2015 | By

The similarities between Batman and Groot have been explored before, but I wanted to take a crack at it.

Back From Vacation!

Jan 23rd, 2015 | By

Before anyone asks: Yes, Winslow was at a resort called “Lovers’ Retreat” by himself. It was an educational experience.

Defenestration: December 2014

Dec 20th, 2014 | By

This is it, folks. The December 2014 issue of Defenestration. Smell it. Savor it.

Eileen and I don’t think about themes when we’re holding onto stuff during our reading periods. We just grab the stuff we like and throw it in a pile to look at later. But I don’t know… sometimes I think we’re either operating on a similar plane of existence or that the submitters have tapped into some hive mind of creativity, because sometimes we end up with a very clear theme.

This month is filled with monsters and misunderstood creatures.

I Could Care Less

Dec 19th, 2014 | By

My daughter saw this one and asked, “What happened to his face?!” To which I replied, “I don’t know!”

Raised By Wolves

Dec 12th, 2014 | By

Everyone knows that you can’t blame wolves for other people’s behavior. But people who were raised by wolves can be blamed for all sorts of things. Poor hygiene. Bad habits. Unhealthy diet. The wanton destruction of throw pillows. This is just how the world works.