Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’

Fan Service

May 8th, 2015 | By

Every now and then an artist needs to step back from his body of work and ask the big questions. Why do people enjoy my work? What would make them enjoy my work more? Are bathing suits really the answer? Sometimes it’s the artist that wonders these things, but sometimes it’s his or her characters that wonder if their audience is truly invested. Winslow’s at that stage in his illustrious career. Maybe one day he’ll find the answers he seeks.

The Orange Hulk

May 1st, 2015 | By

After eating a bag of gamma-blasted tortilla chips, mild-mannered glutton Winslow transformed into the Orange Hulk! The Orange Hulk is a staggering 4 feet tall and eats everything in sight. No restaurant, grocery store, farmer’s market, or refrigerator is safe.

Silly Love Songs

Apr 24th, 2015 | By

Just because you care about someone doesn’t mean you know how to spell their name. Especially while singing.

Defenestration: April 2015

Apr 20th, 2015 | By

Welcome, welcome, to the April 2015 issue of Defenestration, marking our 12th volume in this ridiculously long-running magazine of ridiculousness!

I’m not going to write a particularly long editorial this month because my computer is on its deathbed and doesn’t like to run for more than 20 minutes at a time before freezing up or crashing. You can’t trust technology, but you also can’t live without it. Or you at least can’t convince yourself that you can’t live without it. There’s a powerful message hidden in there, but I’m too lazy to find it. I’ll just be content with rushing through this editorial before the computer explodes. Can I write two more paragraphs? Read on and find out!

Order of the Beard

Apr 17th, 2015 | By

Every knightly order has their little quirks, and Her Majesty’s Royal Order of the Beard is no exception. Aside from moral fortitude and all that boring stuff, knights of the order are required to have a full and luxurious beard–one free of the crumbs of iniquity or the tangles of untruth. Winslow, truly, is not worthy.