Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’


Jun 12th, 2015 | By

WARNING! This comic contains all sorts of nasty curse words, like [censored], and [censored], and even [censored]. It says [censored] twice!

Gluten Free

Jun 5th, 2015 | By

My wife’s been talking about gluten a lot lately. Or rather, she’s been talking about things that don’t have gluten in them. But let’s face it, folks: unless you have an actual medical reason for not eating gluten (which is in practically everything, including food), then you should probably eat it. Because bread is delicious.

Burn It Down!

May 29th, 2015 | By

I kind of feel like I’m trolling my own fans with this one…

Romance Novelty

May 22nd, 2015 | By

To all the women out there reading this comic… don’t you hate how the entertainment industry automatically assumes that a story needs some sort of romance element to keep your attention? Like, Hollywood will make an action movie, and then say, “You know what? We need women to see this movie, too. Let’s add a love story.” Because women aren’t interested in anything else. It must be all those emotions you have sloshing around inside your bodies.

Sex and Violence

May 15th, 2015 | By

You know what this comic needs? More clipboards.