Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’


Jan 29th, 2016 | By

I never make resolutions for a new year unless they’re really vague, so usually I tell the world that I plan to read more, write more, and draw more. Those are all pretty straightforward, and my success or failure can’t be easily measured unless I put forth way more effort than I want. But Winslow? This guy’s unstoppable. No one has a resolution success rate like this. Ben has every right to be jealous.

Community Service

Jan 22nd, 2016 | By

Hello again, folks! Looks like Winslow’s been roused, so I can start posting Ben & Winslow comics again. Going on hiatus is nice and all, but, like Winslow, if I don’t find ways to be productive I waste a lot of time. Thankfully I took a whole week off from work after Christmas, so I had lots of time to draw fresh comics. My stockpile’s pretty good now. Here’s hoping to a great 2016!

Defenestration: December 2015

Dec 20th, 2015 | By

Welcome to another issue of Defenestration, and the last issue until next year. And what a year it’s been. Defenestration has been around for 12 years now, and I can honestly say that this year saw a major shift in the number and the quality of the work we’ve received. Our slush pile has never before been filled with so many experienced writers, comedians, magazine editors, actors… the list was really staggering, and on more than one occasion I felt overwhelmed by it all. Eileen and I have had the opportunity to read a lot of really good fiction, nonfiction, and poetry this year, and while not everyone made it onto the site this year, I really hope everyone comes back and tries us again. We do this because we enjoy it, and you make our self-imposed tasks a lot easier by sending us such great material.

We’ve Got a Big Problem!

Dec 18th, 2015 | By

If today’s Ben & Winslow comic literally blew you away and literally knocked your socks off, you only have the great Capn-Courage to blame! I started following Capn’s work fairly recently, and he never ceases to amaze me with every new drawing he does. Seriously, if you haven’t taken a keen interest in Capn-Courage’s work, I suggest you do so immediately.

My Home Security Stinks

Dec 11th, 2015 | By

If today’s Ben & Winslow comic looks strange and amazing, that’s because I didn’t draw it. I’m taking a break, remember? Today’s strip was drawn by talented cartoonist Phil Jones, who’s been uploading a great series of dinosaur-themed comics called Size and Stupidity over on deviantART.