Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’

Defenestration: August 2016

Aug 20th, 2016 | By

Summer has come and gone. Vacations have ended, and schools are gearing up for another year of drudgery. Pools are being filled with dogs, then drained of water (and dogs). Birds are flying back to wherever the heck they normally fly to. Fireflies, too. Also aliens. These are sad, depressing times. But at least we have a new issue of Defenestration to keep us company in the weeks ahead.


Aug 19th, 2016 | By

Did I just pull a George R. R. Martin?

Winslow Ball Z

Aug 12th, 2016 | By

When fusing three secondary characters doesn’t work, the next logical step is to fuse two main characters. The result is Benslow (or Winslen), a mighty being combining all the strengths of Ben and Winslow (or Winslow and Ben). Also, there’s cool hair involved.

Winslow Universe

Aug 5th, 2016 | By

There’s a monster on the loose, and the only way to stop her is with superheroes! Preferably superheroes that combine to form even better superheroes.


Jul 29th, 2016 | By

The “monster hands” curse didn’t seem to work on Kurt at all, but once Winslow touched an actual human person, things got bad. Really bad. Now poor Apsara has turned into the fire-breathing monster Apsauron! I smell a rampage coming on…