Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’


Oct 28th, 2016 | By

Winslow has replaced his head with jack-o-lanterns lots of times (and he’s replaced his body with a jack-o-lantern once, too). I figured it was about time for him to think outside the box.


Oct 21st, 2016 | By

I’m imagining Winslow on a dark room with his first-generation Gameboy, killing off Kirby over and over again in hopes of populating an entire ghost house in Super Mario World…


Oct 14th, 2016 | By

This raises a lot of questions about the makeup of Winslow’s body.

Turnip the Violence

Oct 7th, 2016 | By

It’s October, which means we’re all going to mutilate vegetables! Yeah!

Verbose Defecation

Sep 30th, 2016 | By

These kinds of diseases are the absolute worst. Even if the books are delicious.