Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’

I Want a Pizza That

Feb 10th, 2017 | By

There are about a thousand jokes that I could have used here, each of them more crass than the next. But my philosophy is this: I will always try to eschew the obvious joke for a more obscure but ultimately more satisfying one.


Feb 3rd, 2017 | By

———– It’s about time Winslow got back into the genetic engineering game. Maybe this time he’ll finally do some good. Could you imagine the Senate floor overrun with acid-spitting monstrosities? (I don’t plan on making a bunch of overly politicized comics this year, but part of the reason I endeavored to drawing as many comics

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Jan 27th, 2017 | By

Climate science is dangerous and controversial, mainly because the term includes the word “science,” which some people understandably misread as “murdering puppies.” We’ve tried to use the term “climate change” instead, but the word “change” seems to have the same negative reaction.

Dream Sequence

Jan 20th, 2017 | By

Congratulations, everyone. You’ve successfully made it to this, the first Ben & Winslow comic of 2017! And because this is such a momentous occasion–certainly more exciting than presidential inaugurations or whatever movies came out today (seriously, I don’t even know)–I decided to make this comic a collaborative effort with a young up-and-coming cartoonist!

Defenestration: December 2016

Dec 20th, 2016 | By

You can’t see me, but I’m rubbing my hands together with sinister glee. Maybe I’m just excited to share this month’s issue of Defenestration with you. Or maybe I’m giddy about leaving this disastrous year behind. Or maybe I’m convinced that time is cyclical and that David Bowie will reappear sometime in early January. Okay, so maybe it’s all three. But this is Defenestration, so let’s talk about that, shall we?