Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’

Full Coverage

Jun 30th, 2017 | By

Lots of talk about health insurance recently. I wonder why?

Hot, Flammable Women

Jun 23rd, 2017 | By

I looks like some of the courage that Little Winslow injected Winslow with actually lingered in his system a bit longer than everyone thought. Or else Winslow took a smaller dose this time. Whatever the reason, his newfound courage has apparently replaced other important qualities, like common sense and self-preservation. Let’s all just hope there’s a good burn clinic nearby.

Milk In It

Jun 16th, 2017 | By

I know I’ve been goofing around with Winslow’s head a lot this year, but I can’t help it. It’s too much fun.

Hyrule’s Warriors

Jun 9th, 2017 | By

If you’ve played Breath of the Wild, you know that unlike other Legend of Zelda games, where you find weapons and armor and keep it forever, Breath of the Wild’s equipment eventually wears down and breaks. So don’t get too attached to that woodcutter’s axe, Winslow; it’ll get destroyed eventually!

They Live!

Jun 2nd, 2017 | By

I don’t know if I’m dating myself with this particular comic–I know I’ve got a lot of readers out there that are 10+ years younger than I am. But this particular comic is based on a John Carpenter movie from 1988 called They Live! starring Roddy Piper, Keith David, and Meg Foster.