Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’

Save the Date

Sep 1st, 2017 | By

Some people are not meant to be in romantic relationships. At the top of that list is Winslow.

Airport Baggage

Aug 25th, 2017 | By

When Winslow gets on a human airplane he has to use a booster seat or, on one memorable occasion, stowaway in the overhead compartment.

Defenestration: August 2017

Aug 20th, 2017 | By

Sometimes these months (and even days) sneak up on you, but here we are: the August 2017 issue of Defenestration, the halfway point in our 14th volume, if you can believe it (you can’t). And what do we have for you? Another issue filled with the weird, the absurd, and the hilarious. We’re going to

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A Bit of Brie

Aug 18th, 2017 | By

I don’t know what to say about this one except everything about it is true, true, true.

Sharks and Minnows

Aug 11th, 2017 | By

I realized that it was August but I had only done one summer-themed comic, and that comic wasn’t even uploaded in the summer. So to rectify that, here’s a comic about the pool! I don’t really get to enjoy the pool these days. I have so many kids that a trip to the pool is really me playing lifeguard for several hours while one or more children cling to me like soggy monkeys. But I’m glad folks like Winslow are able to enjoy themselves, even though his enjoyment involves ruining the pool for everyone else.