Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’

Public Opinions

Nov 10th, 2017 | By

I drew this after getting some rude comments online. It was therapeutic. Sometimes people are jerks online, and all you really want to do it burst into flames and write and angry retort. But because you’re a good person you just pretend to do all that and draw a comic instead.

Strung Up

Nov 3rd, 2017 | By

And here’s the thrilling conclusion to this whole marionette thing I’ve had going…

Strung Out

Oct 27th, 2017 | By

The problem with marionettes is they can only use things that are also marionettes. You don’t want them living with you.

Creepy Marionette

Oct 20th, 2017 | By

Halloween is almost here, and what better way to get into the appropriate mood than with a creepy marionette that has mysteriously taken Winslow’s place!

Little Lame Balloonman Whistles Far and Wee

Oct 13th, 2017 | By

One of the benefits of publishing comics every Friday is that I always get to post something whenever a Friday the 13th rolls around. In what has become a Ben & Winslow tradition, these comics tend to be the most violent and destructive, because it just wouldn’t feel like a Friday the 13th without someone getting mutilated.