Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’

Love Bug

Feb 9th, 2018 | By

Happy (almost) Valentine’s Day, everyone!

Olympic Torch

Feb 2nd, 2018 | By

I wanted to draw a comic about the Olympics but was kind of bummed out that it was the Winter Olympics this year instead of the Summer Olympics. Because let’s face it: from a cartoonist’s perspective, the Summer Olympics are better because the games use so many more props. You’ve got the hammer and the shot-put and the discus and the epee and the bow and the javelin and like 15 different kinds of balls.

80 Percent

Jan 26th, 2018 | By

As promised last week, today’s strip was partially drawn by my 7-year-old daughter. Last year my son helped with an entire strip, and I promised that I’d give her the same opportunity. So here are the results.

Asleep for Weeks

Jan 19th, 2018 | By

Welcome back, everyone! Time to get Ben & Winslow back on the schedule!

Defenestration: December 2017

Dec 20th, 2017 | By

Welcome, welcome, to our latest issue of Defenestration, typically known as the “December Issue” but also known as the “Winter Issue” or “Defenestationmas.” The weather outside is changing, and then changing again, and then changing back into the thing it had originally changed into, confusing everyone and making their noses drip like cartoon faucets. But never fear! Defenestration is here to help keep the world company in these dark and sometime chilly times.