Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’

“Wedding Quest,” by Andrew Kaye, Eileen Lavelle, and Genevieve Valentine

Apr 20th, 2008 | By

The email went out with the header “URGENT QUEST,” and even though they all knew how “urgent” it probably was, Neil and Targ and Susan still showed up at 3:30pm on Saturday at Steve Vandemoor’s house, said hello to Mrs. Vandemoor, and went into the basement. The basement was set up according to Mr. and

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Defenestration: March 2008

Mar 20th, 2008 | By

Welcome to the March 2008 issue of Defenestration, which oozed out of the backside of a rabbit-like Easter monotreme and dyed for you enjoyment. That’s right. I used “monotreme” in a sentence. While this is a logical segue into a discussion revolving around cloacas (which I like to call “cloaca orbits”), we’ll forgo all of

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Negative Stereotypes

Mar 20th, 2008 | By

A post about negative stereotypes.

Defenestration: February 2008

Feb 20th, 2008 | By

Welcome to the hallowed pages of Defenestration‘s February 1008 issue. It’s coming people. A few days from now, February 29th, that great cosmic miscalculation, will rear its ugly head. How can you, the concerned citizen of the world, prevent the disasters that are sure to follow in the wake of this day that doesn’t really

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Defenestration: January 2008

Jan 20th, 2008 | By

You can’t stop the Defenestration train once it starts moving. You need to either jump on board or get the hell out of the way. The January 2008 issue is here, and it’s already taken out fifteen cows! January is that time of the year where we get to hear about all the movies that

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