Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’


May 7th, 2010 | By

Ben and Winslow have gone through seven neighbors already. They didn’t move away so much as disappear suddenly overnight.

Common Salt and Vitriol

Apr 30th, 2010 | By

There’s a reason I don’t draw the lower half of my charaters’ bodies. And here you thought I was just being lazy.

Defenestration: April 2010

Apr 20th, 2010 | By

The wait is over. Welcome to the April 2010 issue of Defenestration!

We changed this year. New look. New format. We’ve been publishing columns, comics, and non-fiction all year, but now it’s time for the poetry and prose to explode from our virtual pages. This is the first of three Defenestration issues that will appear this year, and it’s excellent. We recieved a lot of great submissions during our first reading period, and we chose the best of the best.

Flawless Home Security

Apr 16th, 2010 | By

In this comic, Winslow is following the standard rules governing home invasions and how to handle them. Incidentally, the following rules also work against alien invasions, barbarian invasions, and most invasions of privacy:

1-Reassure your housemates that nothing is wrong, and that “You’ll stop them.”

2-Grab an item from your collection of European pole-arms.

Purple Pigment

Apr 2nd, 2010 | By

The dude next to Winslow seriously has no clue. No. Clue. Everyone else in the neighborhood learned this lesson a long time ago.