Posts Tagged ‘ andrew kaye ’

Defenestration: August 2010

Aug 20th, 2010 | By

Welcome, one and all, to the August 2010 issue of Defenestration!

Prepare yourselves. Prepare to fall in love with hilarity. Because it’s here, on every digital page. That’s how we roll here at Defenestration. This issue’s offerings are pretty hefty: four of the short stories this time around are well over 2,000 words, and two of those go beyond 3,000. After this read, you’ll be able to pat your belly with contentment. (Or whatever other body part you tap when you’re content. I won’t ask. I’m generally a polite guy.)

Karma Covered Robots

Aug 13th, 2010 | By

This comic is based on an actual conversation I had at work, making the first panel here as true to my life as I can make it. The second panel is not at all true, because that robot angelghost didn’t show up until two days later, and it wasn’t hovering politely over our heads, but stealing donuts and coffee from the kitchen down the hall. Then it leaked oil on the carpet and drew mustaches on photographs of people who already had mustaches. What a crazy day that was.


Aug 6th, 2010 | By

Picklebuns! Picklebuns you guys! I don’t know what’s more exciting, the pickle or the buns. And by exciting, I mean arousing. Did I say arousing? I meant awesome.

There’s An App For That

Jul 30th, 2010 | By

It is a pune, or play on words.

Gouged Eye of Thundera

Jul 23rd, 2010 | By

Thundercats was an awesome show. At least by 80s cartoon standards. Viewed today, the writing, particularly the dialogue, is clearly not up to the storytelling standards of modern cartoons. Not to say that all modern cartoons are written particularly well, but back in the 80s, cartoons were vehicles for selling action figures. They didn’t need to be well written.